
Frequently Asked Questions

Which payment methods do you accept?

We accept various payment methods such as credit card, bank transfer and PayTR. We also offer flexible payment plans according to our customers' needs.

How are your services priced?

Pricing varies according to the scope of the service offered, the size of the project and the requirements. For detailed information, you can contact us via the contact form below and get an offer.

You don't have an office. How can we contact you?

You can make voice calls through the contact forms on our website, through platforms such as Discord, or face-to-face meetings can be held in Istanbul.

Which sectors do you serve?

We can serve businesses from every sector. Our areas of expertise include e-commerce, health, finance, education and many other sectors.

How do you manage your projects?

We manage our projects using professional project management tools, in accordance with specific timelines and milestones. We are in regular contact with our clients and receive feedback at every stage of the project.

Are your services invoiced and contracted?

Yes, we invoice all our services and secure them with a written contract. We provide transparency about the scope, duration and terms of the service by preparing a detailed proposal and business contract for each service we offer to our customers. In this way, we protect the rights of both parties while securing the business relationship between us and our customers.

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